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Candle Care.

Kia ora! So you’re the proud parent of a new candle. And like all new parents, you want the best for your candle. Will it burn evenly? Will I know how to trim the wick properly? How can I keep it clean? Don’t fret! We’ve got the answers to all of your burning candle questions.

Preparing your candle for it's first burn

The first thing you want to do is make sure your wick is the proper length. We recommend using a wick trimmer since it creates a nice clean cut that maintains the integrity of the wick. You want your wick to be about 1/4" - 1/3” in length before burning. You will want to trim the wick to this size for every subsequent burn. We recommend only trimming wicks on cooled candles, to prevent debris from falling into hot wax.


Next, you want to find the perfect surface for burning. The ideal surface is even, heat safe, away from drafts, and out of reach of pets, children, drapes/curtains and your plant babies.


Finally, you may light your candle. Lighters are great for early burns, but as the candle wax gets lower, we recommend a long match to reach the wicks without burning yourself.

Babysitting your candle

Helping your candle burn to its potential is a delicate balance of leaving it alone and keeping an eye on it. Most surfaces aren’t perfectly even, so we recommend rotating your candle 180 degrees every 30 minutes. This will ensure that you get an even pool of liquid wax.

Is your candle misbehaving?

It’s crucial that your candle burns completely liquid across the surface EVERY time you burn it. The time it takes for the candle to become completely liquid depends on the wax, fragrance, surface it’s on, and the temperature of the room it’s in. Typically this is between 2 to 4 hours. Burning a candle is meant to be a nice experience, so make sure you can settle in with it for at least as long as it takes to burn across the surface.


However, life can happen and sometimes you need to blow out a candle before it’s ready. This can create a little “memory ring” that can cause tunnel burning. Tunnel burning is when the candle will burn straight down like a little tunnel, leaving wasted wax along the sides of the jar. The best way to fix this is with a tin foil candle hat or if its gone too deep then spooning out the wax on the sides ensuring the edges are slightly lower than the center where the wick is located will fix this.


When it comes to the end of your candle, to get the most out of it, we recommend you keep your candle lit for its last burn when the wax has reached approximately 1cm remaining. 


  • Don’t leave unattended

  • Don’t play with the wax or try to move the wax around the jar. This will make the wax uneven and promote uneven burning.

  • Don’t burn for more than 4 hours.

  • Don’t fall asleep with your candle burning.

  • Keep out of reach of children, pets, flammable materials and drafts


  • Enjoy Often! Treat Yourself!

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